FYI: Notice of upcoming GovCMS D10 update 3.13.0
Scheduled Maintenance Report for GovCMS
For more information about this release see:
Posted Jun 17, 2024 - 14:45 AEST
UPDATED Release and Deployment schedule plan:
- Distribution release Monday 17 June 2024
- Commence from 6:00AM (AEST) Tuesday 18 June 2024
- Production branches completed by 10:00 AM (AEST) Wednesday 19 June 2024
- Once production branches are completed, status page will be updated and Non-Production branches will kick off
- Non-Production branches should be completed by 10:00 AM (AEST) Thursday 20 June 2024
Posted Jun 12, 2024 - 14:48 AEST
We would like to inform you of the tentative dates for the upcoming GovCMS Drupal 10 (D10) release and deployment.

The final release date is subject to change, as it will be determined by the testing outcomes. The date will be confirmed when the distribution is released and the release notes are expected to be sent on Wednesday 12 June 2024 .

As a reminder, a SaaS deployment block is in place ONLY while we update the production branches. During this time, you will still be able to develop and deploy to non-production feature branches. We are wanting to give you as much lead time as possible, should you need to adjust your timeframes.

PaaS deployments schedules are not impacted.

Tentative deployment schedule:
- Deployment to commence from 6am Thursday 13 June 2024 and will be conducted throughout the daytime.
- Production branches completed by 5pm Thursday 13 June 2024
- Non-Production branches completed by 5pm Friday 14 June 2024

If you have any concerns, raise a ticket at
Posted Jun 05, 2024 - 15:39 AEST
This scheduled maintenance affected: GovCMS Projects (Individual websites).